
The CAELi Review, Vol. 1.4

ISSN: 2994-7375

The fourth issue of the inaugural volume of the Celestial Arts Education Library’s new journal, The CAELi Review. Featuring 74 full-color pages packed with in-depth articles on ancestors and astrology, bounds/terms, zodiacal releasing, interrogating the profession, an astro-biography of business mogul Martha Stewart through advanced progression techniques (including converse progressions!), and two new poems.


*Please allow two to four weeks for delivery.



Andrew B. Watt:  Regulus

Bear Ryver:  On the Notion that the Stars Are Our Ancestors

Lucia Bellizia: The Doctrine of the Terms

Roberto Harrison: Conceived in Guatemala

Drew Levanti: Soul Exalted: Tracing Orphic Influences on Early Astrology

Levente László: A Recently Discovered Hellenistic Technique for Analyzing the Native’s Character and Abilities

Aerin Fogel: The Privilege of New Astrologies

Anne C. Schneider: Putting Martha Stewart on the Time Scales: Delineation using Advanced Progressions


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