
The Oracle of Decans

Art by Brennen Reece | Poems by Brian Wilkins

72 cards / 8 Aug 2022 / Available only through Revelore

Crafted over three years of ritual, The Oracle of Decans contacts the 36 Decan Spirits of the Egyptian Zodiac for healing and divination. This double deck explores the polarity of these spirits in images and fragments of verse, allowing the oracle to be both the message and the method of remediation.

Companion book A Wheel of Small Gods sold separately.

SKU RPBWBR0002 Categories , , ,


Encounter the 36 decan spirits from the Egyptian Zodiac with The Oracle of Decans. Engraved on stones and worn as amulets since before the loss of the Great Library of Alexandria, these many-named gods promoted physical and spiritual health.

This deck continues that tradition: each card is a talisman, providing images and fragments of poems for divination, protection, and healing.

The double deck design allows you to go beyond seeking answers to offering magical intervention: place them on your altar, carry them in your pocket, or give them to friends in need. These cards are the temple, the offerings, and the healing talisman. Use them to work wonders.

For the companion text to this deck, see A Wheel of Small Gods.

It is imperative we engage in ritual imaginative processes, in magic, to better heal ourselves. It is an important part of the understanding of medicine that we’ve lost. And I think that art is the first place to start with that engagement with ritual. You can contemplate a picture and read a poem. You can believe in the power of that to help you heal. And you should, because it does.

Ritual healing works in the way medicine works: it engages with circumstances that increase your chance to heal. And like medicine, if improperly administered it can hurt. The good news is that the process is simple. Expect healing. You will raise the odds of recovery. The lack of specificity and control with art, the attempt at general uplift, is one of its advantages in many circumstances.

These poems and drawings are ways to connect to spirits. These spirits heal. Whether you draw inspiration from the method, find your own better answers, or use it in contemplation, the goal is to help you engage with magic.

What you see here is filtered through our experience—this is a field guide, not channeled material. I am not presenting poems that are the voice of the decan. I am showing you my notes on what I found traveling in that country.

The poems are narrative and imagistic scenes,not invocations in the traditional sense. Rather than call down powers and bind them with formulae composed of angelic names, fumigations, and drawn circles, I am offering a way into an ecstatic state that allows a chance for meeting. I am writing you a letter of introduction to some good friends.

About the Artist

Artist, author, and musician Brennen Reece has been reading tarot since he was 12, and drew his first SATOR square soon after. In addition to studying jazz guitar with Steve Giordano and Pat Martino, he has certificates in Advanced Design Thinking from IDEO, Mastering Design Thinking from MIT’s Sloan School of Management, and Systems Thinking from Cornell University. In 2019, he received a Gold ENnie Award for his cover art for Harlem Unbound (Darker Hue Studios). He is the author of Productivity for the Depressive Polymath, and illustrator of The Retromodern Tarot.

About the Poet

Brian Wilkins is a poet and magician. He received a MFA in Poetry from the University of New Hampshire, where he worked with Charles Simic, David Rivard, and Mekeel McBride. He created the first literary magazine for the iPhone, Scarab. He has also been a finalist for the teleplay competition at the Austin Film Festival. You can find more about his work at www.wilkinsbrian.com

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