The Ascendant
The official journal of the Association for Young Astrologers
The Association for Young Astrologers (AYA) is now publishing The Ascendant, the official journal of the AYA through Revelore Press. The Ascendant delivers a curated selection of work that simultaneously showcases what the newer generations of astrologers are doing and serves as an introduction to the myriad forms of astrological practice and research methods. We publish articles that demonstrate the cutting edge of astrological praxis.
The first issue, released in 2014, welcomed previously unpublished work around the topic of ‘New Frontiers for Astrology’ and featured work by emerging astrologers and culminating veterans of the celestial art. The second issue of The Ascendant contains papers that cover the reconstruction of previously unknown traditional material, innovations in the application of astrology, novel perspectives on the philosophical implications of the art, astrological practices in various global geographies, considerations of the new crop of academic studies of astrology, as well as the conversation unfolding in our community about astrology and intersectionality.
Our editorial board reviews submissions for originality, timeliness, relevance, and readability. Please stay tuned for our next call for papers for the third issue, to be published in 2019. AYA does not discriminate against authors based on age, race, creed, or gender. AYA is for young astrologers, not of them, and the aim of the journal matches this mission statement.
The second issue is scheduled to launch at the United Astrology Conference in Chicago Illinois, May 24-29, 2018. All profits from journal sales go to supporting AYA’s mission. Wholesale options available.
If you have any questions, please contact us at
Editorial board

Danny Larkin is an editor.

Jenn Zahrt, PhD is the Editor in Chief.

Nick Civitello is an editor.