
Procession of the Night Theatre

An Exposition on the Lunar Stations

by J.M. Hamade

370 pages/ 28 July 2024 / b&w paperback: 9781947544581


By light, unites the Indian nakshatra, the Chinese xiu, the Arabic manzil, and more, in a comprehensive study of the lunar stations through their many significations, magics, and delineations. By darkness, proceeds through dream-logics and poetry familiar to the labyrinths of One Thousand and One Nights. Each night a lunar station…

Procession is about the lunar zodiac in all its grandeur. Unlike the familiar 12 sign zodiac of the Sun, the 27-28 fold circle of the Moon still maintains her starry retinue in full. Though astrological correspondences are given their proper weight, including interpretations for the seven primary planets in each station, this book is at its core an exploration of teeming sidereal imagery.

Accordingly Procession may be read as an ongoing story. All the same, for astrologers, magicians, and luna-philes alike, as the most complete reference on the subject to date.

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I: Procession of the Night Theatre

the third night

the fourth night

the fifth night

the sixth night

the seventh night

the eighth night

the ninth night

the tenth night

the eleventh night

the twelfth night

the thirteenth night

the fourteenth night

the fifteenth night

the sixteenth night

the seventeenth night

the eighteenth night

the nineteenth night

the twentieth night

the twenty first night

the twenty second night

the twenty third night

the twenty fourth night

the twenty fifth night

the twenty sixth night

the twenty seventh night

the twenty eighth night

the first night

the second night


II: An Exposition on the Lunar Stations

A Brief History of the Lunar Stations

A Note on Coordinates

The 28 Lunar Stations

Scatter Stars and See What Grows/Ignite


Head of a Doe/A Hunt at Twilight

The Retaliating Body/An Instinct to End

Born Again/Die Again

A Blister, A Thought/Eye of Potential

Snake Pit/The Overcoming Eyes

Double-Chambered Heart/A Star Enthroned

Treasure of the Pyramid I/Marriage from One Side

Treasure of the Pyramid II/Marriage from Another Side

Whistling Hand/Time-of-Day

A Faceted Gem/The Measure of Heaven

The Long Breath/A Feather, Windswept, Metal-Sharpened

The Replicating Branch/Rain-Light

Wreath of Flowers/A Hare Upon the Moon’s Face

The Soaring Heart/Red-Ghost in the Machine

Origin/Red-Root of the Cosmos

Jamal (Divine Beauty)/The Water Sieve

Jalal (Divine Majesty)/Silence

A Thread to Heaven/Darkness at the Pole

Subtle Listening/A Walk Through Eternity

Reverberating Sound/Beauty Conquers All

Stirring of the Old Gods/Pharmacopeia



Water Ways (Veins)/Mouth of the Whale

Two Horns/Lightning from Heaven

Kingdom of the Interior/The Relentless Weight of Existence

III: Waning




J.M. Hamade is a talismanic artist, florist, diviner, writer, and educator, currently residing in New York City. Specializing in various traditions of ‘Image Magic,’ with a focus on astrology, star lore, and talismanic craftsmanship, his work seeks to bridge contemporary aesthetics with time tested magical techniques rooted in astrological magic. Possessing a keen interest in craft, he has apprenticed in the ways of butchery, the funerary arts, and most recently, the art of floristry. To this he has also received a BFA in Printmaking with a focus in the arts of metal engraving, intaglio, and works emphasizing etching and line.


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