
by Elsbeth Ebertin
Translated from the German by Jennifer Zahrt

Ninety-five years ago, on June 24, 1922, German foreign minister Walther Rathenau was assassinated by members of a fascist operation known as Organisation Consul as he was being driven through the streets of Berlin. Six days later, Elsbeth Ebertin published an article about political assassinations and astrology in the Niederschlesischen Zeitung, a newspaper in Görlitz, Germany. Two weeks after that, she wrote another article about current events and astrology for the same paper. A few days after the appearance of the second article, she extracted both articles and compiled them into a booklet titled Can Assassinations Be Prevented and What Will Happen Next? (Lassen sich Attentate verhüten? und Was geschieht in nächster Zeit?).

This translation is the first time this text has appeared in English in print, and it is the first in a series of texts that aim to bring the rich history of Weimar astrology to the English-speaking world.

Read a comprehensive review by Kirk Little over at SkyScript.co.uk.

First edition printing limited to 151 copies.

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“Elsbeth Ebertin’s astrological study of assassinations is a book of its time. It is a remarkable attempt to develop a modernised, empirical astrology in the style of Johannes Kepler, in order to understand political violence at a time of extraordinary upheaval in Europe. It is also a vital source book for anyone interested in the history and practice of mundane astrology.”

—Dr Nicholas Campion
Program Director

MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology
University of Wales Trinity Saint David


The Weimar period in Germany proved to be a major hotbed of astrological innovation in the twentieth century, yet many of the source texts remain untranslated and, therefore, inaccessible to anyone who cannot understand German. During that time, Elsbeth Ebertin built a publishing empire promoting ‘scientific’ astrology to the masses, yet she remains famous in the astrological community for being the mother of the prominent astrologer, Reinhold Ebertin. What is less commonly know is that, in the span of two decades, she produced over forty astrological works, and only one of those, a book on synastry, has appeared in English. The first translation in this series is the 1922 text, Can Assassinations Be Prevented and What Will Happen Next? In response to the extremely violent political turmoil taking place during the early years of the Weimar Republic, Ebertin introduces the core concepts of mundane astrology as she understood them, and how to apply those techniques to help orient oneself in an increasingly turbulent world.

About the Translator:

Dr Jennifer Zahrt is Revelore’s chief curator of possibilities. The inspiration behind Revelore is encoded in its very name: revel in lore. The vision for the press is to work with people who have something profound to bring to our experience of narrative in all its forms (even nonlinguistic) and establish a supportive community to allow this work to grow and morph as we grow together. How far can we go, and who are we becoming as we do this?

Zahrt researches the history, philosophy and epistemology of astrology, with a special focus on the German cultural realm. Her doctoral thesis, titled The Astrological Imaginary in Early Twentieth Century Germany (University of California, Berkeley, 2012), concerns the ways in which astrology shaped philosophy, literature and the arts during the Weimar Republic. In 2016, she completed the MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology at the University of Wales Trinity St David extending that research. Her work appears in Sky and Symbol (Sophia Centre Press, 2013), Verdant Gnosis: Cultivating the Green Path, Vol. 2 (Revelore Press, 2016) and Table Talk (Counterpoint, 2014); her translation work includes Zoroaster’s Telescope (Ouroboros Press, 2013) and selected alchemical writings of Paracelsus, in Occlith 1 (Viatorium Press, 2016). She is also the Creative Director of the Sophia Centre Press, and she lives in Seattle, WA.

You may support the Sources in Weimar Astrology translations project directly on her Patreon page.

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Dimensions 8 × 5 × .4 in

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